Stage Four

In Stage 3 (years 5 & 6), students continue to develop their ability to take positive action for well-being; relate and communicate well with others; pose questions and solve problems; make informed decisions and act responsibly. 


The English curriculum provides opportunities to develop further understanding of grammar and language, and the skills to articulate this knowledge. More complex punctuation, clause and sentence structures, textual purposes and patterns are introduced, as are skills for classifying word, sentence and text structure and the metalanguage to communicate these ideas. Students engage with different forms (narrative, prose, plays and film) and purposes of written and spoken language to develop their skills for text creation.

In Stage 3 at BCCS several evidence-based, innovative programs are used as the basis for developing these skills.


The Mathematics curriculum extends key understandings of number, patterns and relationships, measurement and geometry, and statistics. The introduction of fractions and decimals is important; it represents a key challenge for students at this stage. While relevant mathematics and active and concrete experiences remain important, there is an increasing use of models, pictures and symbols to represent and communicate mathematical ideas.

BCCS utilises two leading resources for the development and assessment of mathematical skills.

Other Curriculum Areas

For an overview of all of the other areas incorporated into the BCCS curriculum, see our Curriculum page.